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Resilience Wellness Center

Peer Support Counseling Programme (PSCP):

The Wellness Centre will be run by GRIET Psychological Counselor assisted by a handful of selected Student Counselors who will be trained in basic counseling skills for two or three sessions- thereby, making them competent to help other students in an unbiased manner and enabling them to guide the students to mitigate their Psychological Problems in an effective manner.

The Peer Support Counselling Programme is aimed at offering the students an interface to understand and interact with the diverse student community at GRIET and help them to solve their Socio-Psychological issues with empathy. The Student Counsellors will take the support of the Student Class Coordinators for reaching out the students of all classes and plan activities as per the requirement.


1.Promote Mental Well-being: Foster a supportive environment to raise awareness and de - stigmatize mental health issues within the college community.

2.Peer Support System: Establish a peer-to-peer support network where students can share experiences, offer guidance, and connect with each other.

3.Supporting and guiding students on their problems and providing emotional wellness to the students.


The Wellness Centre, in Co-ordination with GRIET Dean-Mentoring, along with Student Counselors and Student Class Coordinators will take up various activities for fostering emotional and social well being in the student community.

1.Support Sessions: Facilitate peer-led discussion groups to share experiences and coping mechanisms.

2.Workshops: Conduct practical workshops on mindfulness, and effective study habits.

3.Awareness Campaigns: Organize campaigns to spread awareness about mental health, including posters, seminars, and social media initiatives.

4.Guest Lectures: Invite psychologists, counselors, and mental health experts for informative talks.

Responsibilities of Student Counsellors:

1.Conduct various activities of Resilience club including “Happiness fest” as per AICTE guidelines.

2.Point of contact for help and resources for social, mental, and academic help.

3.Sharing insights on the behavioral problems of students of the respective departments.

4.Represent the class on behalf of students to solve his/her psychological issues.

Benefits of being a Student Counsellor

1.Enhancing social interaction and people management skills.

2.Personal growth in terms of self-confidence.

3.Learn ways to handle day-to-day stress by the training sessions.

4.Certificate from College.

Objectives and Nature of counselling

Counselling is a helping process at which the individual meets a counsellor aiming to enhance his/her self-understanding and personal development, to empower himself/herself to cope with his/her problems and stress, to facilitate his/her adjustment to life and to assist himself /herself in making healthy life changes.

The first meeting with a counsellor will be for a consultation to determine what services will be most helpful to the client. It will be necessary to schedule a regular time to meet with a counsellor depending on the goals set and the needs of the problem.

The successful outcome of the Counselling Programme depends on the courage and willingness of the client to make a change. The counsellor will work together with the client to achieve the goals.

Confidentiality in counselling

The Counselling process adheres to a policy of strict confidentiality. All material and information discussed during the counselling sessions is strictly confidential. The counsellor has the right to consult other helping professionals such as parents, teachers, peers, mentors, other counsellors, psychologists, social workers, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, with the consent of the client, in the interest of providing the best service possible.



Counsellor’s Details
Dr.Y.Butchi Raju
M.Sc. (Psychology), M.Phil. (Psychology), M.B.A., M.A. Sociology, Ph.D.
Counselling Psychologist
Mobile: 8919618456 Appointment Timings: 2PM to 4PM
Counselling Centre: Block Number: 2, 5th Floor, GRIET

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