The following members have been nominated as the Academic Council Members for the Academic Year 2021-22.
S.No. |
Name |
Position in the Current Engagements |
Position in the Academic Council |
Image |
Chairperson |
1 |
Dr. J Praveen |
Principal |
Chairman |
University Nominees |
2 |
Dr. P Swetha |
Professor of CSE,
Member |
3 |
Dr. A. Aruna Kumari
| Professor of ME,
Member |
4 |
Dr. Sindhu |
Professor of Management, JNTUH UCMH |
Member |
External Experts |
5 |
Dr. Kondepudi. Lal Kishore |
Professor, Dean R&D, CVR College of Engineering, Former Vice Chancellor JNTU Anantapur |
Member |
6 |
Mr Ramesh Paturi |
Lead Business Acceleration Services, Microsoft, Hyderabad |
Member |
7 |
Mr. D Rajendra Prasad |
Technical Vice President, Bank of America INC |
Member |
8 |
Ms. Jayanthi Kasarla |
Director Applications Engineering, Synopsys |
Member |
Heads of Departments |
9 |
Dr. V Vijaya Rama Raju |
Professor & Head of EEE |
Member |
10 |
Dr. Anitha Lakshmi |
Professor &Head of ME |
Member |
11 |
Dr. Ch Usha Kumari |
Professor & Head of ECE |
Member |
12 |
Dr. G. Karuna. |
Professor & Head of AIML |
Member |
13 |
Dr. B Sankara Babu |
Professor & Head of CSE |
Member |
14 |
Dr. Y J Nagendra Kumar |
Professor & Head of IT |
Member |
15 |
Dr. GVV Satyanarayana |
Professor & Head of CE |
Member |
16 |
Dr. M Sridhar |
Professor & Head of H&S |
Member |
Senior Faculty |
17 |
Dr Jandhyala N Murthy |
Director, Professor of ME |
Member |
18 |
Dr. Ch Mallikarjuna Rao |
Professor, CSE Dept.
Controller of Examinations |
Member |
19 |
Dr. Y. Rama Krishna Prasad |
Professor of H&S |
Member |
20 |
Prof. P. Gopala Krishna |
Dean Assessment & Accreditations |
Member |
21 |
Dr C Lavanya |
Dean IQAC |
Member |
22 |
Dr. J Sridevi |
Dean Finishing School, Professor in EEE Dept |
Member |
23 |
Dr. K Prasanna Lakshmi |
Professor of IT Dept.
Dean Academic Affairs |
Member Secretary |
Powers and Functions of the Academic Council Committee
1. To exercise general supervision over the academic work of the institute, to give directions regarding method(s) of instruction, evaluation, research and improvements in academic standards.
2. To scrutinize and approve the proposals of the Board of Studies related to programmes and their educational objectives, academic regulations, curricula, syllabi, their objectives and outcomes and modifications, instructional and evaluation arrangements, methods, procedures etc.
3. To make regulations regarding the admission of students to different programs of study in
4. To recommend to the Governing Body the proposals of institution for new programs of study.
5. To recommend to the Governing Body, institution of scholarships, studentships, fellowships, prizes and medals, and to frame regulations for the award of the same.
6. To advise the Governing Body on suggestion(s) pertaining to academic affairs made by it.
7. To perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Governing Body
AC_Minutes of Meetings (21 Jan 2023)